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  • Attraction

    Jodhpur Attraction : Chamunda Mataji Temple Jodhpur

    Chamunda Mataji Temple is an ancient shrine in Jodhpur.

    Location : Chamunda Mataji Temple is located in the southern end of the Mehrangarh Fort, Jodhpur.

    Chamunda Mataji Temple Jodhpur
    Chamunda Mataji Temple Jodhpur

    About Temple 
    Rao Jodha (The Founder of Jodhpur) was built Chamunda Mataji Temple and in year 1460 he brought the idol of goddess Chamunda from Jodhpur and installed in the Mehrangarh Fort Chamunda Mataji Temple. Chamunda Mataji was the favourite goddess of Rao Jodha. Goddess Chamunda remains the Isht Devi of Maharajahs and the Royal Family, till date.

    Now Jodhpur's citizens also worshipped the Chamunda Mata. But at the time of Dussehra festival, Mehrangarh Fort is thronged by devotees to get a glimpse of Chamunda Devi.

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