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    Rishikesh Attraction : Omkarananda Ashram Rishikesh

    Omkarananda Ashram is also another Ashram in Rishikesh and it is most visited by the tourist form all over the world.

    Loction : Omkarananda Ashram is located at a place Muni-Ke-Reti the bank of river Ganges in Rishikesh

    Omkarananda Ashram Rishikesh
    Omkarananda Ashram Rishikesh
    About Omkarananda Ashram
    A group of Sanyasis (sages) is run the Omkarananda Ashram and year 1967, this ashram was established. Swami H.D. Paramahamsa Omkarananda Saraswati was established this Ashram. He was also a philosopher and writer. All ashrams of  Omkarananda are in the form of temples, so devotees offer prayers and sing bhajans. Omkarananda Ashram, a non-political, humanitarian, educational, charitable trust. Main motto of this Ashram is to help individuals achieve spiritual enhancement.

    Omkarananda Ashram is also organised the spiritual activities, meditation classes and yagnas. It also runs charitable trusts such as Omkarananda Charitable Trust, Omkarananda Dharma Samsthan  and Omkarananda Educational Society. Ashram is engaged in many social activities for the accomplishment of spiritual and physical well being of the society.

     Ashram is hosting a kindergarten and a school, where classic Indian music and dance classes are also conducted.

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