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  • Attraction

    Shimla Attraction - Arki Palace Shimla

    Arki palace is quite famous and beautiful place for its lovely frescos of the Arki Kalam style. Arki palace is located in the Western Himalayas and you can enjoy the glorious views of the snowy mountains

    Arki Palace is located at Arki, a small tehsil town of Solan District and it was the capital of Baghal state.

     Arki Palace Shimla

    Main Attraction
    Major attraction of Arki Palace is the renowned wall painting of Kalidasa's Kumarasambhava

    About Arki Palace
    Raja Prithvi Singh was built the Arki Palace in 18th century. Arki palace  possesses numerous paintings depicting inscriptions inspired from folklore and Puranas. If you are a lover of Murals and paintings than you must visit this place.The roof of Arki Palace is depict various contemporary themes. It has edifice numerous sculptures, arms and artefacts from the Baghal period. At a glance, the Arki Palace looks like a posh hotel

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