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  • Attraction

    Shimla Attraction - Shilli Wildlife Sanctuary Solan

    Shilli Wildlife Sanctuary is main attraction of Solan. It is located in Solan District of Himachal Pradesh. This Sanctuary came into existence in year 1963 and on 27th March 1974 it was re-notified. Shilli Wildlife Sanctuary is speard over the 214 hectares or 2.14 sq. km. area.

    Shimla Attraction - Shilli Wildlife Sanctuary Solan

    Flora in Shilli Wildlife Sanctuary 
    Shilli Wildlife Sanctuary  is covered by forest such as deciduous forest and Ban Oak forest. Here you can find the different shades of green grass. 

    Mainly here you find the Mammals such as Barking Deer,  common Langur, Indian Hare, Goral, Marten, Jackal, Leopard and Indian Porcupine.

    Distance From Solan
    Shilli Wildlife Sanctuary is located 5 km from Solan.

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