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    Udaipur Tourist Attraction : Bharatiya Lok Kala Museum Udaipur

    Bharatiya Lok Kala Museum is well - known and famous tourist attraction of Udaipur.

    Location :  This Museum is located in the Chetak circle in Udaipur.

    Bharatiya Lok Kala Museum Udaipur
    Bharatiya Lok Kala Museum Udaipur

    About Bharatiya Lok Kala Museum
    Bharatiya Lok Kala Museum is famous museums of Udaipur. In this museum you see the brilliant collection of folk articles of Rajasthan. Bhartiya Lok Kala Mandal was established this Museum. This Museum was started as an initiative to preserve and cherish the local arts and culture.

    Main entrance hall of this Museum you see the theatre objects and next hall is a collection of tribal folk musical instruments and ornaments.When you lead next you see the puppet theater where you watch a puppet show that occurs at regular intervals. Bhartiya Lok Kala Museum of Udaipur definitely requires a visit to closely observe the artistic and culturally rich region of Rajasthan.

    Main Attraction :
    In this Museum you see the compilation varies from typical rural-dresses, ornaments, puppets, masks, dolls, folk musical instruments, folk deities and paintings.

    Timing to visiting :  9AM to 6PM and it open on all days.

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