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  • Attraction

    Dehradun Attraction : Mindrolling Monastery Dehradun

    Mindrolling Monastery is also another religious and buddhist center in Dehradun. Besides being a famous tourist attraction, this monastery is also a popular spiritual school.

    Location :  Mindrolling Monastery is located in Clement Town area of Dehradun.

    Mindrolling Monastery Dehradun
    Mindrolling Monastery Dehradun

    About Mindrolling Monastery
    Mindrolling Monastery is one of the most renowned monasteries of Dehradun. Rigzin Tendak Lingpa was established this Monastery in the year 1676.  Locally this Monasteryis known as Tibetan Monastery.

    In Tibetan language the world Mindrolling meaning is "Place of Perfect Emancipation". It is famous monastery of the Nyingma sect. The existent structure of this monastery is attributed to Khenchen Rinpoche. Mindrolling Monastery is one of the largest Buddhist Viharas in India, which demonstrate architectural marvel.  This monastery is dedicated to learn the Buddhist scriptures and other fields of academic interest such as astronomy, Tibetan lunar calendar,  Traditional Tibetan medicine and calligraphy. 

    Ngagyur Nyingma College is also run by the Mindrolling Monastery.

    The Stupa : The Stupa in the Mindroling Monastery was inaugurated on 28th of October, 2002, constructed for World Peace.

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