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  • Attraction

    Dehradun Attraction : Sai Darbar Temple Dehradun

    Sai Darbar Temple is well-known and religious place in Dehradun

    Location : Sai Darbar Temple is located just 8 kms from the Clock Tower on Rajpur Road of the capital city Dehradun.

    Sai Darbar Temple Dehradun
    Sai Darbar Temple Dehradun
    About Temple:
    Sai Darbar Temple is well known temple of the hill resort of Dehradun. It is very colorful temple and private organizations of Dehradun is maintained this temple. It is a unique shrine, which open to all people irrespective of their caste and creed. Sai Darbar Temple holds a high cultural and metaphysical value and is visited by tourists from across the country and foreigners as well.

    This temple is built with marble stones, the chief idol is established in the core of this temple. This temple is exquisitely designed and the paintings are done in sober colors. The interior of the temple is inwrought with exquisite paintings with enchanting colours. Sai Darbar Temple gives a serene and peaceful ambiance to the devotees and poses an ideal setting for the adorer to carry out metaphysical needs. 

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