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    Haridwar Attraction : Kushavarta Ghat Haridwar

    Kushavarta Ghat is virtuous spot chosen by millions of Hindus devotees to perform sacred bath and Shradh rituals at Haridwar. The Ghat is one of the most well-known and frequented bathing spots of Haridwar.

    Location : Kushavarta Ghat is located just 500 meters south of Hari Ki Pauri in Haridwar.

     Kushavarta Ghat Haridwar
     Kushavarta Ghat Haridwar
    About Ghat 
    Kushavarta Ghat is that place where devotees to perform sacred bath and Shraddha rites for the departed souls. Maratha queen Ahilyabai Holkar was constructed this Ghat. Usually Kushavarta Ghat is a crowded place pilgrims from all over the country coming down to perform religious rites. Other near by ghat called Vishnu Ghat where Lord Vishnu is said to have bathed.

    Hindu Mythology  
    According to Hindu Mythology, this ghat is related to Dattatreya. Dattatreya was a great saint of the ancient period. Dattatreya was known to have visited this ghat frequently and spent time meditating. Kushavarta Ghat is that ghat where Dattatreya offered his austerity by standing on one leg for a thousand years.

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