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  • Attraction

    Haridwar Attraction : Vishnu Ghat Haridwar

    Vishnu Ghat is another important Ghat in Haridwar. It is most visited ghats of Haidwar.

    Location :  Vishnu Ghat is located near the equally famous Kushavarta Ghat, Haridwar

    Vishnu Ghat Haridwar
    Vishnu Ghat Haridwar

    About Ghat
    The name of this Ghat is drived from the Lord Vishnu. Arround the Ganga bank in Haridwar, there are many bathing ghats. It believed that, this is that place where Lord Vishnu bathed. So that people believed  that bathing in this ghat or take a holy dip in holy water of Ganga then peoples wash away all your sins. It is one of the most popular bathing spots in Haridwar, exceptionally for the Vaishnavites. 

    This Ghat is also a crowded place pilgrims from all over the country coming down to perform religious rites. Devotees as well as tourists visit this religious land Haridwar and take a sanctified dip in the ghat. 

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