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    Gwalior Attraction : Man Mandir Palace Gwalior

    Man Mandir Palace is one of the most effective tourist attraction in the historical city of Gwalior.

    Man Mandir Palace Gwalior
    Man Mandir Palace Gwalior
    About Palace 
    Man Mandir Palace was built in 16th century by Man Singh Tomar. The gorgeous palace has three floor surfaces above the ground level and two subterranian floors. Man Mandir Palace is constructed  within the fortification of the breathtaking Gwalior Fort. It is a massive palace. This Palace does not retain its previous magnificence but you can still found it's traces of grandiose past. The rooms of the palace are bare and devoid of their magnificence and bears statement to the ravages of time and the walls also represent a spectacular frieze of ducks wading in the waters. 

    This is a testimony to the Rajput culture  of the medieval era. Important place in this palace is the Jauhar Pond, where the Rajput queens committed sati (meaning: self-immolate). 

    The Palace is a perfect example of hindu as well as Mughal era structure.

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