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  • Attraction

    Jodhpur Attraction : Rasik Bihari Temple Jodhpur

    Rasik Bihari Temple is also another religious place in Jodhpur. This temple is also known as Niniji Temple.
    Rasik Bihari Temple Jodhpur
    Rasik Bihari Temple Jodhpur

    Location : Temple is located of the Udai Mandir road, Jodhpur

    About Temple:
    Rasik Bihari Temple is dedicated to Rasik Bihari. The temple pillars and the Garbh Grihai (sanctum sanctorum) is buit with red sandstone and it is surrounded by a gallery named Parikrama which is made of white stone. Temple has a meeting halls that is known as Sabha Mandaps and it is dedicated to Rasik Bihari, Lord Krishna and Goddess Radha.

    In this Temple you see the statues of Lord Vishnu, Garuda and Hanumanji.

    Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is managed and maintenance of this temple.

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