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  • Attraction

    Manali Attraction - Vishnu Temples and Guari Shankar Temple Naggar

    First Temple is on the way to the Naggar village on the right side of the road. The design of this temple is pyramid-shaped structure and have a great archeological importance. Some people say that "Ganer" festival starts from here.

    Manali Attraction - Vishnu Temples

    Second Vishnu Temple is situated near the castle on the eastern side and  few steps down from the main road towards the village. Structure of this temple is pyramid shape with a slatty roof. There is a 'Asht-Dhatu' Idol of God Vishnu about 4ft. height. This Idol has four hands It is also known as chaturbhuj and stands on a plinth (kamalasan).kamal have been carved round it .

    Guari Shankar Temple Naggar

    Guari Shankar Temple is located at just below the Naggar castle. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva, Gauri.

    Guari Shankar Temple Naggar

    About Temple
    On 11th and 12th century Guari Shankar Temple was buit. It is built in pyramid style on an elevated platform and houses idol of Gauri-Shankar. The temple base  has a square shape and dome shape on the top.

    It is monument of the Gurjara-Pratihara traditions. Main attraction of this temple is  stone carvings. 

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