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  • Attraction

    Mussoorie Attraction : Christ Church Mussoorie

    Christ Church is old and ancient Church in Himalayan ranges.

    Location : Christ Church  is situated near Kasmanda Palace (a heritage hotel) near Library Point in Mussoorie

    Christ Church Mussoorie
    Christ Church Mussoorie
    About Christ Church
    In year 1836, Christ Church was built as per the Gothic design. It believed that the church was built by the British community. On 16 May 1836, Christ Church was completed. Christ Church is a beautiful landmark with its Gothic Design and the pre-Raphaelite stained glass windows.  

    It believed that Princess of Wales was visited this Church after who later became Queen Mary of England. When she visited this church then she planted a deodar tree in its Church courtyard. Visitors can see the deodar tree in the courtyard of the Church.

    Structure of Christ Church 
    Christ Church was built in the Gothic design. The glass windows of the church represent the events in the life of Jesus Christ. The interiors of the Church are impressive, with the walls adorned with contributions from various other people.  About a hundred year old ancient William Hill organ is present in the church which is worth to visit.

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