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  • Attraction

    Dehradun Attraction : Forest Research Institute Dehradun

    Forest Research Institute is a study center and tourist attraction.

    Location : Forest Research Institute is located in the north-west centre of the Dehradun, on the Kaulagarh Road.

    Forest Research Institute Dehradun
    Forest Research Institute Dehradun

    About Forest Research Institute 
    In year 1906, Forest Research Institute was established. It is a premier institution under the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education (ICFRE). The institute is sprawling over an area of around 2000 acres.

    The building of this institute is main tourist attraction. The building of this institute is constructed in Greco-Roman colonial style. Iinstitution is a houses of Six museums which are accessible to the general public. The institution also holds the Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy and the head office of the Indian Council of Forestry Research. 

    Main Attraction : In this Institute you also see the six museums related to forestry. Museums are

    Non-Wood Forest Products Museum
    Pathology Museum
    Social Forestry Museum
    Entomology Museum
    Silviculture Museum
    Timber Museum

    To visit these Museums the entry fee is 15 Rs and a nominal entry fee for vehicles.

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