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  • Attraction

    Haridwar Attraction : Gau Ghat Haridwar

    In Haridwar there are many Ghat where Hindus devotees to perform sacred bath. Gau Ghat is one of them.

    Location  : Gau Ghat is located across Subhash Ghat.

    Gau Ghat Haridwar
    Gau Ghat Haridwar

    About Gau Ghat 
    Gau Ghat is well-known ghat lining the banks of the Ganga in Haridwar. This ghat got its name from those who come here to forgiveness the sin of for killing of a cow ('gau' or 'gai'). Killing a cow is considered a grave sin and equal to that of killing a brahmin. At this ghat people take shapath  to donate a cow  in the name of  departed loved one.

    Gau Ghat is also known to offer calmness to those who have lost their near and dear ones. They also offering of rose petals and coconuts ensure tranquility to the souls of forefathers. 

    The ashes of Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru were engrossed at Gau Ghat in Haridwar. After take a holy dip in holy Ganges, one can experience a feeling of wellness.

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