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    Mount Abu Tourist Attraction : Luna Vasahi Temple Mount Abu

    Luna Vasahi Temple is well-known tourist attraction of Mount Abu. It is a major tourist attraction for the Jains. Due to its religious significance of the temple mainly attracts the devotees. 

    Location : Luna Vasahi Temple is located at Mount Abu in the Sirohi District.

    Luna Vasahi Temple Mount Abu

    About Temple : 
    Luna Vasahi Temple is dedicated to 22nd Jain Tirthankar Shri Nemi Nathji. In 1231 A.D this temple was buikt by porwal brothers Vastupal and Tejpal both ministers of Raja Virdhaval, a ruler of Gujarat. In memory of their late brother Luna, this temple was built. The main purpose was to dedicate it to the Jain Tirthankaras

    Design and style of the tmple
    This temple was built in Solanki style and design and pattern of this temple was adopted from the Vimal Vashi Temple. Main hall of this temple is known as Ragmandap.

    Ragmandap : In the center of Ragmandap where dome hangs a big ornamental pendent of beautiful carving. Here you see the 72 figures of Tirthankaras in sitting posture that are arranged in circular band and 360 small figures of Jain monks.  The Hathishala or elephant cell features 10 elaborately carved marble elephants.

    Kirthi Stambha : On the left side of Tirthankar temple, a big black stone pillar 'Kirthi Stambha' is stands. Maharana Kumbha of Mewar was built this Stambha.

    Navchowki : Here you see the most magnificient and delicate marble stone work.

    Small cell : In this temple there is a small cell, here you see the foot-prints of 'Dada Sahib' Jain Acharaya Shri Jindutt Suri.

    Gudha Mandap : Here you see the black marble idol of 22nd Jain Tirthankara Neminath.

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